Curriculum Intent
The aim of the history department is to open appreciation of the wonders of the past to all students, irrespective of social background or ability, so that they can better understand the context of their local community, nation, and church. Topics are chosen to reflect gospel values of tolerance and cooperation between communities and nations, and to build students into more reflective, engaged citizens. Substantive and disciplinary knowledge is chosen to achieve these aims. Students in all key stages are taught how to create- and justify- effective arguments, and to look at source material critically.
Curriculum Implementation:
The History curriculum is taught within a chronological framework, through a mixture of breadth and depth studies. To meet the aims of the department, where possible, local case studies are used to illuminate bigger issues in the past. For example, as part of Year 7’s study of the significance of the Normans, they will look at the impact of Norman castles and religious change in the North. As part of Y8’s study of the impact of industrialisation, Gateshead is used as a case study of change. As we are a Catholic school, topics are chosen to help students understand the impact of the past on the Catholic, and other faith communities. Year 7 consider the impact of the Tudors on Catholicism, and Year 9 consider the impact of anti-Semitism on the global and local Jewish communities.
Key Stage 3:
Mirroring the work of academic historians, the History Department uses an enquiry-based approach to curriculum planning. “Big” questions about the past are posed and then students and staff explore these with reference to mini case studies and enquiry questions, which, when put together, create a coherent answer to the initial enquiry question. This approach allows staff to hone the nuances of the curriculum to meet the needs and interests of classes.
How did invaders and settlers transform England c.750 BC- 1154. AD
How far did the Industrial Revolution improve the lives of the people of Britain in the 19th Century?
Why did the Holocaust happen?
To what extent did the Tudors achieve stability?
What was the Impact of 19th century Imperialism?
What was the impact of the Nazi dictatorship?
Why did the power of the monarchy decline during the Stuart period?
To what extent was there a revolution in the rights of the people of Britain in the 19th century?
What ideas shaped modern America?
Throughout the KS3 curriculum, students are taught the PEEL paragraph model of building effective arguments and are introduced to regular opportunities for extended writing. Scaffold and support, stretch and challenge are offered to all to facilitate access to the curriculum.
Students follow the AQA GCSE History specification. This builds on the extended writing and source analysis kills of assessing typicality developed at KS3.
10 | 11 |
Equality and Opportunity: USA 1920-1973
Conflict and Tension: Europe 1894-1918 |
Health and the People 1000AD to the Present
Norman England 1066-1100 |
A’ Level
The department offers two A’ level courses – AQA History, and AQA Politics, both of which help students to achieve the departmental aims of understanding more deeply their own faith and national community, to understand the impact of intolerance, and to build them into adults ready to take their place as active and engaged citizens. Students have regular access to high level, up-to date analysis on current issues in both subjects. They are prepared for university life by taking part in seminars and debates.
12: History
13 History
· Part One: consolidation of the Tudor Dynasty: England, 1485–1547 AQA 2O: · Part one: the Weimar Republic, 1918–1933 |
· Part Two: England: turmoil and triumph, 1547–1603 AQA 20: · Part two: Nazi Germany, 1933–1945 NEA As aspect of the industrial revolution or an agreed individual study |
12 Politics | 13 Politics |
· Government and politics of the UK
· Government and politics of the USA and comparative politics
· Political Ideologies: Liberalism, Conservatism, Socialism and Feminism |
The department has an excellent track record of supporting students into Oxford, Cambridge, and other Russell group universities.