Parents must report an absence using the Weduc app before 8.30am each morning their child is unable to attend school.
To report an absence, open Weduc app and select: Parent Portal; Select child; Report an Absence; Select date/time; Provide reason for absence; Send (arrow top right)
All absences will be recorded as authorised or unauthorised. Absence can only be authorised by the school and cannot be authorised by parents. All absences will be treated as unauthorised unless a satisfactory explanation for the student’s absence has been received.
Illness – Absence due to illness will usually be authorised unless the school has a genuine concern about the authenticity of the illness. The school may ask parents to provide supporting documentation such as appointment cards, prescriptions, or other appropriate forms of evidence.
Medical/Dental Appointments – Parents are advised, where possible, to make medical and dental appointments outside of the school day. Where this is not possible, students are expected to attend school before and after their appointment. Parents must show the appointment card/letter to school.
Parents are also expected to write a note in their child’s planner explaining the reason for the absence.
How to support your child's school attendance