Welcome to Year 10! Last year you decided on your options for your GCSE studies and some of your subjects will have started teaching you content to support you for your final exams already.
This is officially the start of Key Stage 4 and your two GCSE years so you will need to ensure that the hard work most definitely starts now!
You are very lucky as you will receive huge support from your teachers as you progress through Year 10. You will sit mock exams in January and June. Regular reviews of your progress should help you understand what you can do to keep developing academically and it’s also extremely useful to get lots of real exam practice!
At times you may need more specific help. Study Support is provided by all of your subjects and teachers will help you fine tune your skills. As your Year Progress Leader, I will be keeping in touch with your teachers and will offer my support too. I may invite you to one of my lunchtime support sessions, but will also welcome you whenever you want to drop in. Keep your eye on your tutor noticeboard for my timetable of support. Keep organised and drop in to see me if you need more help.
In Year 10 outside visitors from Newcastle University come and deliver mentoring at various stages of the year, there are study skills sessions from Elevate Education and Northumbria University runs information sessions about Higher Education.
It’s not just about studying though! Your wellbeing is very important too. Our year group assemblies will be a chance to come together to reflect spiritually on important issues in school, nationally and globally. You will have the chance to learn about British Values and you should regularly check the ‘Wider Opportunities’ page for other ways you can maximise your growth and develop your character in Year 10. It would be fantastic to see some of you apply to be ‘Student of the Month’ through World Class Schools and also ‘Character of the Year’ for your outstanding achievements inside and outside of school.
Although you have two full years before you need to decide, you will be supported in navigating through the process of choosing the right path post CHCS too. You will have opportunities to research careers through UNIFROG and in IAG there will be plenty of information to get you thinking about your future. You will have the chance to learn about the world of work from outside visitors across the year.
I am looking forward to this year with you all!
Ms O’Hagan – Year 10 Progress Leader