Personal Development Curriculum

Cardinal Hume Catholic School Personal Development 

As a Catholic school, personal development is at the heart of our mission and practice. All aspects of the curriculum are planned and delivered in a way which fulfils our mission statement to “develop each member of the school community in a way that allows all to fulfil their potential in the light of the teachings of Christ”. Personal development of students is supported in three major areas:  

  • Through well planned and progressive in class experiences, both subject specific, and by the provision of bespoke lessons on areas such as careers, RSE and health. 
  • Through a strategic programme of additional, out of lesson support. This includes academic study sessions to support the attainment gap of the most disadvantaged and extended pastoral support for the most vulnerable 
  • Through the provision of opportunities for students to develop self-confidence and new skills, both within, and outside of the classroom context. 

Personal development provision is the responsibility of all staff who plan and provide in class and out of class personal development activities but is supported specifically by a team which includes Year Progress Leaders, our Director of Careers, our Director of Ethos, strategically led and mapped by the Deputy Head with responsibility for this area. 

The Personal Development of our students can be summed up by the phrase Be More.  We are very proud of the students in our care and the people they become.  This Be More document will give you a clear understanding of what it is like to be a student at Cardinal Hume and how students are encouraged to be more…….

Be More @ CHCS

IMPLEMENTATION: In-class provision 

In-Subject contribution to personal development  Bespoke in class experiences to support personal development 
Whole school Command of Language agenda develops oracy and self-confidence across the curriculum 


Links to careers made explicit in lessons  


Student employer experiences within lessons 


British values such as the development of democracy and importance of tolerance are explicit themes in the History curriculum across all key stages. 

All students undertake IAG sessions on a Friday afternoon.  The cycle includes Learning (literacy and numeracy), Careers, Character Education and Health. 


Rolling programme of RSE for all Key Stages through the 10:10 programme which develops students’ self-worth and healthy relationships through a progressive scheme. 


Tutor time is used to promote an awareness of current affairs and to support debate on issues of relevance and concern to students. 


Tutor time is used for prayer and for ethos activities which encourage students to see themselves as part of a local, national, and global community, in line with Pope Francis’ integrated ecology theology.  


IMPLEMENTATION: additional support 

Academic  Pastoral 
  • Homework club provided 
  • Mentoring for students struggling with organisation or volume of work 
  • Focused study support sessions for students who are not meeting their academic potential 
  • Online master classes which provide a combination of additional support and stretch which all students can access 
  • EPQ offered to all students at KS5 to allow them to develop personal academic interests, mentored by volunteers from the staff 
  • Year Progress Leaders will help direct students to appropriate extra and super curricular opportunities 
  • School chaplain is available for all students to access support at moments of crisis 
  • Rainbows programme for students suffering bereavement 
  • Peer mentoring in place to support KS3 students on a range of appropriate issues 
  • A school counsellor is available to work on longer term issues referred by the pastoral teams. 
  • A dedicated attendance team who provides support and encouragement to maximise attendance and help re-integrate those who have had periods of non-attendance.   



IMPLEMENTATION: development of self-confidence and new skills 

In class  Extra-Curricular (some examples) 
All departments feed into the whole school self-evaluation of this area and priorities are set annually.  


Command of language 

  • We ensure that all pupils, in all subject areas, are provided with opportunities to develop as competent readers, writers, speakers and listeners. 
  • The library plays an important role in supporting the development of literacy skills across the school.  The main function of the library is to support and encourage reading for pleasure across the whole school. 


Well established and well planned transition programme for the incoming Year 7 and Year 12 students. 


Bespoke support for university applications, including a specific focus and support for those applying to Oxbridge. 

Opportunities for extracurricular activities are provided by staff on a weekly basis, for example sports, music and debating.  


YPLs and tutors support students and direct them to appropriate opportunities.  


Registers of extra-curricular activities are kept to help school direct students to opportunities and to ensure disadvantaged students have equal access. 


Cardinal Hume Outdoor Club runs a calendar of monthly outdoor activities from canoeing to gorge-walking. These are a combination of day, evening, and overnight trips. These can be subsidised by school, so no student misses out. 


The Chaplain organises a retreat programme for students in Y8 and Y13 which allows all to take time to reflect on personal goals outside of the school context. 


Opportunities to travel abroad with departments such as PE, MFL and History.   


The Duke of Edinburgh programme and World Challenge are well supported by staff and students. 



The mission of Cardinal Hume Catholic School is being achieved. Through their school journey, through faith, hard work, and kindness, we want our students develop from children into articulate and confident young people. They are acutely aware of the importance of their actions in the school and wider communities and are continually supported to develop the academic and personal skills required to be successful in the adult world.  We equip our students with strategies and knowledge to help them make good choices  when they face the inevitable challenges of life beyond their time at Cardinal Hume.  

CAREERS – all students have a login for Unifrog : 


Unifrog – The complete destinations platform. 


EXTERNAL LINKS: Wider Opportunities 

Year 7 

Year 8 

Year 9 

Year 10 

Year 11  

EXTERNAL LINKS: Supporting Progress 

Key Stage 3 

Oak National Academy Online Classroom ( 

Year 7 maths practice 

KS3 Religious Studies – BBC Bitesize 

KS3 English – BBC Bitesize 

Time for Geography | Home 

KS3 History – BBC Bitesize 

Home – BBC Bitesize 

Revision Help | Cardinal Hume Catholic School 

Key Stage 4 

Home – BBC Bitesize 

AQA – education charity providing GCSEs, A-levels and support 

Student Hub


Staff Hub

Hub Login


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