Wider Opportunities

Throughout year 11 there are a number of exciting opportunities that you can get involved with.  You should take any opportunities on offer to support your study skills and personal development.

  • World Class Schools

    There are a range of opportunities open to pupils via the World Class Schools programme.  These student led activities will help increase your oracy and independence skills.

  • NCS

    NCS is a 2 week summer programme open to year 11 pupils. After a residential adventure and skills week, young people plan and implement a 30 hour social action project.

  • Christ's College Cambridge

    This summer school opportunity is a two-year long programme for students designed to increase your knowledge of higher education options.

  • Girls Network

    Selected Year 11 girls will be involved in working with specialists from outside school to empower themselves and build personal branding through workshops.

Speech & Debate Club

Speech & Debate ClubThe Speech and Debate club is led by 6th form students. If you join, you will have the chance to discuss a variety of topics and develop your oracy skills

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