Curriculum Intent:
Our intent is to provide an outstanding business provision that equips students with the transferable skills to allow a smooth transition from an educational environment into the next stage of their lives, whether this be a work-based environment or the next stages in their learning.
We will do this by providing an insight to a variety of business sectors and functions. The subject seeks to develop resilient, independent and confident students who can understand and confidently engage with the increasingly complex business world in which we live, to enable them to become informed and confident consumers, employees and entrepreneurs. Our intent is to develop entrepreneurial and enterprising students who can:
We endeavour to make the curriculum as interesting as possible with a high level of challenge. We aim to ensure that students develop a range of life skills that is directly transferable from KS4, KS5 and beyond in our subject and also in others including: enhancing team working, problem solving, independent learning and communication skills whilst instilling confidence in our students to make themselves stand out in a competitive working environment.
At Cardinal Hume Catholic School students will take a proactive part in their studies by maintaining a good understanding of current affairs and applying this to their studies on the impact of the external environment on business. Business Studies will also nurture their creative side in developing marketing and promotional campaigns, planning and pitching a business idea whilst also developing their financial acumen when it comes to understanding personal finance in the form of; mortgages, lending, savings and investments. Adaptations of learning will take place for all students particularly with SEND this includes strategies such as individualised learning plans, differentiated strategies. Challenge is routed in the learning of all business students through lesson, assessment and homework.
During completion of their study students learning will be assessed using the following objectives: