16-19 Study Programme Information

How Cardinal Hume Catholic School meets the 16-19 study programme funding requirements

Students entering Cardinal Hume Catholic School Sixth Form complete an extended interview and induction process, designed to ensure that the study programme they follow is matched to their prior attainment and career goals. This is done through:

  • IAG sessions, including an interview with a qualified careers advisor
  • Completion of Application Form
  • Interview with Sixth Form Staff
  • Induction sessions over 3 days
  • Final advice and guidance after GCSE results.

Study Programmes are individual to the student, but all have the following characteristics

  • Substantial qualifications, chosen from a wide range of A level and Advanced Vocational courses, leading to the next stage of education or employment. Each student agrees a Core Aim, which is the principal activity or core purpose of a student’s programme and will usually be the component that has the largest number of planned hours.
  • Work Experience, tailored to a student’s career goals and interests
  • Non- qualification activity, which includes a broad programme of events and sessions to support progression to the next stage of employment or education, support personal and spiritual development, guide students in building positive relationships with others, build economic literacy and offer opportunities for students to expand and follow their personal interests.

In addition, students who do not yet have a pass at grade 4 or above in GCSE Mathematics and English Language will follow

  • a GCSE course in these subjects.

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