Parents’ Evenings

Annual Parents Consultation events are an important part of the school calendar, and a vital opportunity to strengthen the partnership between school and home.  These give parents the opportunity to discuss progress in detail with subject staff.

The school has introduced a new, intuitive and easy-to-use online appointment booking system in response to requests from staff and parents. This allows parents to choose their own appointment times with teachers, and to speak to them face to face without the need to attend school or queue for appointments.

As well as online appointments parents are invited to an Information Evening each year to share details of the year ahead and to discuss any concerns they may have.

Parents and carers of course are welcomed to school on many other occasions, for Family Learning events, Parent Partner events, Science Evening, School Productions and events to offer guidance and support at particular times for example Year 9 Options Evening and Progression to Sixth Form Evening.  We welcome parents and carers into school if at any time an appointment is requested to discuss any concerns.

When an invitation is sent to parents to attend an event, a letter including login details and other support is sent a week before the event, with a reminder shortly before the event takes place.

School Cloud is a safe and efficient way to maximise opportunities for parental communication. Inevitably, time is precious at these events, and appointments have a cut-off time of 5 minutes to ensure staff have time to speak to as many parents as possible. Everyone taking part in online meetings is reminded that calls are confidential and may not be recorded in any way.

A short guide on how the system works can be found via the following link.

Watch Video Guide

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