Welcome to year 11! Last year you made a fantastic start to your GCSE studies, and you are starting at an impressive point academically, but this is the year where you need to shine!
You are lucky you will receive huge support from your teachers as you progress towards your final exams with opportunities along the way to assess your progress with mock exams at the end of term 1 and then again in term 2. Regular reviews of progress should help you understand what you can do to keep building on your progress.
Sometimes, you may need more specific help. Study Support is provided by all of your subjects and teachers will help you fine tune your skills. As your Year Progress Leader, I will be keeping in touch with your teachers and will offer my support too. I may invite you to one of my lunchtime support sessions, but will also welcome you whenever you want to drop in. Keep your eye on your tutor noticeboard for my timetable of support. Through your tutors you will receive a revision folder and plenty of tips will be shared as to the best ways to revise. Keep organised and drop in to see me if you need more help.
It’s not just about studying though! Your wellbeing is very important too. Our year group assemblies will be a chance to come together to reflect spiritually on important issues in school, nationally and globally. You will have opportunities to practise mindfulness to help you stay calm and focused this year and you should regularly check the ‘Wider Opportunities’ page for other ways you can maximise your growth and develop your character in year 11.
Finally, you will be supported in navigating through the process of choosing the right path after year 11 too. You will benefit from a careers interview and opportunities to research careers through UNIFROG. You will have the chance to learn about the world of work from outside visitors and will receive the very best guidance from our sixth form team.
I am looking forward to this year with you all!
Mrs Covington – Year 11 Progress Leader