On entering the main reception of the school you walk under the school Chapel which immediately offers solace and space for reflection. It is dedicated to St Edmund Campion, one of the great English martyred saints whose display of the virtues `wisdom in judgement’ saw him bring many souls into God’s kingdom. He is also the saint attached to our outstanding Sixth Form.
The Chapel is the centre point for enabling the spiritual dimension of the school community to develop. It is where Mass is celebrated at varying times throughout the year with an opportunity for all staff and pupils to attend. It is where our Chaplain celebrates liturgy with all students as a way that enables pupils to learn how to respect and care for one other, adults and the wider community; and to learn how to treasure and sustain the natural environment and appreciate the spiritual journey we are all on as part of God’s creation regardless of which faith background we belong to.
The Chapel is open to students at varying times of each school day as a way of supporting their life journey and is available to all staff in our school community whenever they wish to use it. As a space, the Chapel is perfectly placed to provide a sense of calm and stillness that taps into the very fabric of our human spirituality. It allows us to have space for reflection during the busy day to day life that is modern education.
Above all, its presence is a statement that the School recognises the need to remind ourselves of another dimension in our lives and a place to which pupils and staff of all faiths or of none can come to experience peace and quiet, a special place in which to reflect on their own thoughts and, possibly, to find something they are seeking.