Nun do it like Nuns do it

On Tuesday 14th March students and staff at Cardinal Hume were wowed by a visit from three Sisters of the Daughters of Divine Charity from Salford; Sister Linda, Sister Anna and Sister Leonarda.  You might recognise them from a recent TV show, ‘Bad Habits, Holy Orders’ or from a restaurant called ‘Nundos’ that they opened in London where the food is free, but you must leave your mobile phone in a box by the door and have real face to face encounters while you eat.

The Sisters worked extremely hard all day and led five sessions in our main hall.  The spiritual theme of the sessions was, ‘Let your light shine’.  The first part encouraged the students to think about what it means to let your light shine, how we can dim that light through making bad choices as well as brighten it by prayer, worship and being kind to others.  This focus on kindfulness, is a running theme throughout Cardinal Hume IAG and charity programmes, and it was so good to hear it being reinforced by our visitors.