We are delighted to have been selected as a lead hub school for the National Consortium for Languages Education (NCLE). By taking part, we will be helping to support high quality language education in England. This is a unique and exciting programme to be part of.

We are looking forward to working with our partner schools to develop our Language Hub plans for high quality language education in England.

What exactly is the National Consortium for Language Education?

Recognising the value of good language education both to students and to the country, the NCLE is creating a national network of up to 25 lead hub schools across England. Each lead hub school will deliver training to up to seven partner schools to improve standards of language teaching and learning across the country.

The key aims for the NCLE are to:

  • encourage high quality language teaching in schools
  • increase languages uptake at GCSE
  • support levelling up opportunities for disadvantaged pupils
  • address the performance of boys
  • better recognise and support the rich diversity of languages in addition to English spoken by one in every five of our pupils.

The NCLE is funded by the Department for Education (DfE) and delivered by IOE, UCL’s Faculty of Education and Society (UCL IOE) in partnership with the British Council and the Goethe-Institut.

You can find out more on the NCLE website National Consortium for Languages Education (NCLE)
