Cardinal Hume Receives Ofsted Outstanding Judgement
Dear Parents and Carers,
I am delighted to now share with you the report from Cardinal Hume Catholic School’s recent Ofsted inspection which took place on 14th and 15th May 2024. I can confirm that the school was graded Outstanding in all areas:
Overall effectiveness Outstanding
The quality of education Outstanding
Behaviour and attitudes Outstanding
Personal development Outstanding
Leadership and management Outstanding
Sixth-form provision Outstanding
You may be aware that the bar for this grade is set at high level, within a rigorous and exacting inspection framework, so this is a tremendous achievement.
Excellent schools are founded on partnership, and I am pleased that the contributions of our students, parents and staff have been recognised. I hope you enjoy reading the report – and please take the time to commend your sons and daughters. They are a credit to you, the school and our wider community.
Many thanks for your ongoing support.
Yours faithfully,
Mr B Robson
Please follow link below for full report.