As a school, we were delighted to be able to celebrate with 26 of our year 12 students, who completed the CAFOD young leaders award this year. They have been an incredible group of students who have worked so hard to fundraise and raise awareness in both our school, the local parishes and even in Wembly arena as part of flame 2023. Through meeting weekly after school with Kirsty Hutchinson from Cafod and our Chaplain Mrs Proctor, they have developed their knowledge of the many global issues we have today and looked at problem solving and ways they can help and support to make a difference. They used their new found awareness to share with and engage the whole of our year 7,8 and 9 students in the BIG LENT WALK. This involved planning activities and lessons about the global crisis and encouraging and leading the young pupils around our school field. It was a wonderful event and the school raised £849 for CAFOD. Doing the young leaders award enhanced their leadership skills, and broadened their knowledge of Laudato Si and the challenge Pope Francis has given us all to make the world a better fairer place for all.